

The DEKRA imagery has a realistic look and features natural images. Manipulated or heavily edited images are not used. Using design elements with the images helps them blend into the DEKRA visual `system`.

Composition: Expressive image structure that creates a sense

Content: Everyday situations that viewers can identify with

Color scheme: Natural light, no subsequent filters.

Dark images: Should only be used where absolutely necessary.


Icons are used to represent information or interactions in a simple way. The basic principle of an icon is that viewers can grasp its meaning with a quick glance. The symbol should therefore be as simple and self-explanatory as possible. Icons should also be recognizable and memorable.


Line width

To ensure optimal usability in different sizes, we use icons with a uniform and balanced line width.


We use rounded corners for the icons, thus creating an optical connection to the rest of our visual `system`.


We use icons that have a bold outline.


When creating icons, we focus on combining just a few elements with simple shapes and lines.


We use green and black outlines when the icons are placed on a white background. White outlines are intended for placement on green backgrounds.


Line width

If icons of the same size have a thinner or thicker outline than the other icons, we do not use them.


We always round corners equally and combine them with pointed angles only as an accent.


We do not mix the style of the icons with other styles: Hand-drawn looks or color gradients are not permitted.


We avoid stacking too many elements in a single icon.


We do not use different colored outlines or filler.